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Saturday, July 16, 2011

The Prophetic Word of Holiness

Sermon Outline
The Prophetic Word of Holiness
Scripture:  1 Thessalonians 1 - 5
Introduced May 2011 / Written some time in 2008

Sermon Outline

Introduction:  The Lord is bodily returning to this earth (Acts 1:11; Matthew 24:30).  In 1 Thessalonians, Paul shows an intense love and appreciation for the Thessalonians and their faith.

            - The Thessalonians were examples, 1 Thessalonians 1:7

            - Paul was like a father to them, 2:11

            - He commanded that they should love one another, 4:9

            - Yet, what were they missing? [after all, Paul wrote to them to help them in their spiritual journey.]

Today, we have an increased interest in the end of the world.

            - What will happen?  (every world view has a different answer.)

            - There are tons of literature that believe Jesus will come at certain times.

            - There are tons of magazines.

            - There are tons of end time books

We know for sure that without holiness, we are not ready for the return of Christ.  An accumulation of knowledge, books, and end time novels do not prepare us fully for the Lord’s return.  * A person who strives at a holy life is more prepared than someone who is merely a “prophecy buff”.  In fact, we have actually met worldly people who loved fictional end time books (can’t tell you which ones, or we will break copyright – but let’s just say they are very popular)

Overview of 1 Thessalonians 1-5 – How You Can Prepare for Jesus’s return.

  1. Prepare for Jesus’s return by turning from all idols.  1:9-10
    See also 1 John 5:21; 1 Corinthians 10:14
    1. Turn to God first; He will enable us to overcome the idolatry
    2. Your salvation was not of your own; neither is the Christian walk.
    3. Idols can be behaviors or people or things.  Idols have these characteristics: 

                                                              i.      you return to them again and again

                                                            ii.      It brings you comfort

                                                          iii.      You begin to resemble it

                                                          iv.      You know its an idol, but you refuse to acknowledge it.

  1.  Prepare for Jesus’s return by being your Pastor’s glory and joy  2:18-20
    1. What a joy as a Pastor to see Christians living a holy life.
    2. Notice in this verse the ministry of the DEVIL à v. 18 – Satan “hindered us”
    3. Notice, however, how proud Paul was that these Christians were progressing.  When the LORD Jesus returns, Paul says – I will take these Christians and present them to the Lord Jesus.

  1. Prepare for Jesus’s return by learning to love one another.  3:12-13
    NOTE:  Notice, coming with all his Saints.  Coming of Jesus will be 1 coming in 2 phases:

    1. Coming for his saints such as 2 Thessalonians 2:4 (gathering together unto him)
    2. Coming with his saints such as 1 Thessalonians 3:13

This [love one another] is the commandment we seek to avoid.  We want to learn more about Jesus, the Bible, prophecy, the tabernacle, etc.  And all these are good, but God has a plan for us.  His plan is to be like His Son.  Jesus knew the Old & New Testaments thoroughly and used them when necessary, but, He also taught us how to love God and others.

Love – an affectionate feeling that is proved by our actions of kindness to the ones we have the feelings to.  God’s love – His abundant desire to do good in our lives.

We will hold grudges against people, but Christians can’t pretend to hold grudges forever.  God’s love shed in our heart comes out!

Romans 5:8 – God’s love is characterized by a difficult, yet attainable, ideal.  God commendeth his love toward us, while we were sinners, Christ died for us.

  1. Prepare for Jesus’s return by realizing who is going to call you at the Day of Reckoning – God.  4:15-18

    1. Sometimes we chose our friends and people we “hang-out-with” by whether we like them or not.  There are so many Christians who say they love God, but fail to live holy lives.  How will they be able to live with Him who is Holy.
    2. Joel 2:1 – [not a direct quote] - Blow a trumpet in Zion, shout it on the mountain, blow a trumpet in Zion – for the Day of the Lord is come!
    3. There is a time coming when God Himself will call us to this appointment.  An appointment where we will stand before Him.

  1. Prepare for the Lord’s return by striving for holiness.  5:22-24

Why are we striving for His holiness?  Why is the Lord’s return characterized with holiness?  And why will the place of our future house be holy?

    1. Our age is characterized by lawlessness.  Hurt feelings, disobedience to God’s commandments, decadence.  The Spirit of this age
    2. The spirit of this age is trying to seduce last day Christians.  We are no different than the Thessalonians.  Even the simple, basic things in life seem to be corrupted.

Conclusion:  God is calling out a holy people unto Himself.

            Revelation 18:4 – Come out of Babylon!

            Babylon is to be destroyed.  Revelation 19:7-8 – Fine linen is the righteousness of the saints.

Sermon Outline Creation Date:  2008.  This sermon was created in 2008 for preaching; I can’t remember if I preached it!  No matter – I hope you can use it in your own ministry.

Don’t be fooled by the title “The Prophetic Word of Holiness”.  By this, we mean – all prophecy today is telling forth God’s word in the Bible … I do not believe new revelation is being given to us today.  Still, this title might be confusing to some.  So, feel free to change it.

You most likely should tailor this to your own situation.

In fact, if you haven’t figure out by now:  I write these sermons so that you WILL edit it, or use it, or modify it.  I am not offended in the least … however, I would like to have a “stories/testimony” section on my blog – so please email me at pjmarkavage@gmail.com and tell me how you are doing with these sermons.

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