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Friday, June 7, 2013

06.08.2013 Marvelous Works of God Version #1

06.08.2013 – Sermon Outline 1 on Revelation 21:2, 3

“2 And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. 3 And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God.” Revelation 21:2,3

Sermon Title: The Marvelous Works of God (Revelation 21:2, 3)

Introduction: The Scriptures reveal the marvelous works of God, that is – how He actively interacts with the world and all that He created in it. His hand is marvelous, His ways are just, and His works are done out of a deep love that is unfathomable.

The manner and way in which God works can be compared and contrasted so as to determine what He is doing in our life, the life of His church, and the lives of His people. For example, we notice in Revelation 21 a comparison and contrast between what He does in Creation, and what He does in the re-creation of the world. [These are just starter observations, much more can be gleaned or added to.]

  1. God's voice is integral in the world of both creation (Genesis 1:3) and the recreation of the world in Revelation 2:3 (notice, 'and I heard a great voice out of heaven').
  2. In Genesis, He created the world from nothing; in Revelation, He is recreating the world which has been destroyed by fire (2 Peter 3:10-11).
  3. In Genesis, He involves Himself in the work of a loving relationship with His created human beings. In Revelation, He reestablishes this loving relationship with His created human beings permanently.
  4. In Genesis, He prepared a home for His royal subjects; in Revelation, He has prepared a home for His royal subjects.

  1. In Genesis, God prepared the earth as man's home. In Revelation, God prepares a massive city to be delivered to the earth to be man's new home.
  2. In Genesis, Eve is prepared as a bride for Adam; in Revelation, New Jerusalem is prepared as a bride for God's people.
  3. In Genesis, God moves upon the face of the earth; in Revelation, His city and presence comes down to the earth.
  4. Genesis seems to be the honeymoon for man; Revelation seems to be the consummation of God's love for His people.

    outline brought to you by www.seaofsermons.blogspot.com

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